6 06, 2024

Me, through the years

By |2024-06-06T13:34:45+02:006th June 2024|General|0 Comments

Since this is my professional sid/te I thought it would be fun and interesting to show the lighter side of my professional life.  These are some moments of, me through the years. Christmas dinner with the colleagues. Pooling with the colleagues. [...]

27 10, 2020

Git branching strategy

By |2020-12-16T09:19:00+01:0027th October 2020|DevOps, Software Engineering|0 Comments

In this post I will describe the Git  branching strategy that we use. This “model” consists of a set of procedures that the development team must follow to manage our development. This model is based on a number of assumptions on how our development is setup. When these assumptions change our branching strategy (and CI/CD) [...]

26 11, 2013

MVVM Pattern

By |2020-12-16T09:26:42+01:0026th November 2013|Frontend, Full Stack, Software Engineering|0 Comments

As stated by Microsoft: "Using the MVVM pattern, the UI of the application and the underlying presentation and business logic is separated into three separate classes: the view, which encapsulates the UI and UI logic; the view model, which encapsulates presentation logic and state; and the model, which encapsulates the application's business logic and data." [...]

26 11, 2013

Calling WCF REST service from JavaScript

By |2020-12-16T09:26:54+01:0026th November 2013|Frontend, Full Stack, Software Engineering|0 Comments

Without further ado, here is a javascript class that can be used to call a WCF REST web service: // ---------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------- // Class WcfService // // Dependencies: // JQuery // // ---------------------------------------- // Constants // ---------------------------------------- WcfService.URL_LOCATION_LOCAL = document.location.protocol + "//" + document.location.host + "/"; WcfService.DATATYPE_JSON = 'json'; WcfService.CONTENTTYPE_JSON = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'; WcfService.MSG_PREFIX [...]

4 07, 2013

Mod 97

By |2020-12-16T09:27:06+01:004th July 2013|Backend, Full Stack, Software Engineering|0 Comments

For my current project we need to validate IBAN numbers. IBAN numbers are validated with an ISO 7064 mod-97-10 calculation where the remainder must equal 1 static public bool Validate(string iban) { // pre-conditions if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( iban ) || (!Regex.IsMatch(iban, "^[A-Z0-9]") ) ) { return false; } // clean-up IBAN iban = iban.Replace(" ", [...]

3 07, 2013

Using data-* attributes in ASP.NET MVC

By |2020-12-16T09:27:17+01:003rd July 2013|Frontend, Full Stack, Software Engineering|0 Comments

Starting from MVC 3 and up this issue has been addressed. From MVC 3 and up underscores in HTML attributes are automatically converted to dashes. Here's an example: @Html.TextBox( "tbxOne", "", new { @data_id = "someId", @style= "width:120px; text-align:right;" }) This wil result in: <input data-id="someId" name="tbxOne" type="text" value="" />

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